The pricing for renting a Tempo Traveler from Chennai Airport can vary based on the rental agency, the model of the vehicle, and the distance or duration of the trip. Here's a general breakdown based on different scenarios:
Outstation Trip: Rental charges are typically calculated per kilometer for outstation journeys. Prices might range from INR 15 to INR 25 per kilometer, depending on the vehicle model and the company's pricing structure.
Minimum Kilometers: TT Travels might have a minimum kilometer charge per day. For instance, they might charge for a minimum of 300 kilometers per day even if your actual travel distance is less.
Airport Transfers: For pickup and drop services from Chennai Airport, rental charges might be calculated differently. It could be a fixed rate for the trip, covering the distance between the airport and your destination or the rental might be based on kilometers, especially for outstation drop-offs or pickups.
+91-9514072722Note : These all Tempo Traveller Rental in Chennai Airport Excludes for Toll gate, Parking and State Entry Tax (Pay to your self on spot)
14/16, Ambekar Street, Nehru Nagar, Pattabiram, Chennai - 600072
+91 9943173743
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